Maintaining A Life Of Glory

Have you ever experienced the glory of God when He did a new thing in your life, only to feel like it gradually faded away? Did you know that this is a pattern we also see in the Bible and throughout church history.

In this teaching, you will learn how to live a life of ever-increasing glory… pursuing God into new territory while simultaneously stewarding the things He has already given you to steward. … Continue readingMaintaining A Life Of Glory

The Shoulders of the Priests

For your crossing over into your Promised Land and for your miraculous parting of the Jordan, the priestly must go first. It is all about ministering to the Lord and bearing on your shoulders the Ark of the Covenant, which is the “kabod” of God – the weight of His presence and His glory. The people will follow the priests who minister to the Lord and who bear His presence upon their shoulders. Only the priestly anointing can part the tumultuous waters standing between you and your promises. Then, when those waters part, you will walk through on dry ground and will manifest your kingship as you take the land. … Continue readingThe Shoulders of the Priests