The Shoulders of the Priests

For your crossing over into your Promised Land and for your miraculous parting of the Jordan, the priestly must go first. It is all about ministering to the Lord and bearing on your shoulders the Ark of the Covenant, which is the “kabod” of God – the weight of His presence and His glory. The people will follow the priests who minister to the Lord and who bear His presence upon their shoulders. Only the priestly anointing can part the tumultuous waters standing between you and your promises. Then, when those waters part, you will walk through on dry ground and will manifest your kingship as you take the land. … Continue readingThe Shoulders of the Priests

The Law Of Resonant Frequency

We know that the “double minded man” does not receive the things he requests from the Lord (James 1:8), but now you know why! Doublemindedness is a state of conflict between various parts of your being. Your thoughts create, your emotions create, and your words create, but when these areas are creating opposing things, you are literally fighting yourself, sabotaging your success. The solution is simple and clear: in order to manifest your miracle, you need to be in alignment with God and with yourself. I believe that the fragmentation of our minds happened at the fall and that the restoration purchased for us at the cross will allow us seamless access to 100% of our brain’s capacity. As maturing sons of God, we are growing into the stewardship of our renewed mind by understanding how these fragmented pieces function together and by learning how to govern, overshadow and restore them under the lordship of Christ. … Continue readingThe Law Of Resonant Frequency