The Fruit of Another Generation

From the place where you are seated in Christ in the eternal realm, it is possible to access anything that the Father has for you at any time. But within the framework of earth-time, those who birth it in the earth, must labor to bring it forth. Once it has been established in the earth, others can access it more easily, because the barrier of impossibility has been broken for them. If you are reading this, you are no doubt a forerunner and have been chosen to birth something here. And birthing always involves labor. Doing something “new” or ahead of your time will take tremendous amounts of energy and determination. Meet Yeshua now on the Trading Floor and exchange discouragement for honor and weariness for His wind of refreshing. Pause for a moment and take in the magnitude of what He has given you the privilege of establishing here. Use your imagination to see those who will come after you enjoying those things more easily. An extraordinary miracle requires extraordinary labor – not human, fleshly works, but, like I talked about in last week’s post, laboring in prayer in the Secret Place. … Continue readingThe Fruit of Another Generation