Restoring the Ancient Paths, Part 4: Time Travel, Time Dilation & The Pineal Fountain (3rd eye)

Could you use a few more hours in your day? Could you use a little “redeeming of the time” concerning choices you’ve made, situations you have been in or difficult seasons of your life? Did you know that time travel and time dilation are in the Bible?! And if you’re born again, you are ONE with the One who created all things and in whom all things consist.

“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
-Colossians 1:16-17

Time is a created thing, and mankind was given dominion over creation (Genesis 1). Adam forfeited that dominion, but Jesus Christ purchased it back for us with His own blood. As we learn to live out of our true identity as a spirit being and as we grow into the fullness of our oneness with God, who is outside of time, we will be able to steward time, using it for His purposes and His glory.

If you’ve missed the first 3 parts of this series, you might want to go back and listen, as I lay a really solid Biblical foundation for many things you may have thought were “new age” or occult. You will realize that lucifer creates nothing. He simply steals things that have been created by the Father for us to enjoy…. things like out of body experiences, transrelocation, teleportation, translation, levitation, transfiguration, auras and telepathy.

I’d love to hear about your journey on the Ancient Paths and about the ways the Father is igniting your heart and shifting your world.


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