Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 3: The Cloud of Unknowing
We are in the midst of a a massive transition, where things are rapidly shifting and changing. As we literally move from age to age, we must let go of old, outdated mindsets and ways of doing things, while remaining firmly grounded with our foundation in tact. Even those who are mature and confident in their relationship with the indwelling Spirit of Truth may find this season unsettling. Recently, the Father has placed me in a classroom where I have been exposed to many “new” concepts. They have come so quickly that I was not able to mentally process them and actually did not have time to thoroughly inquire of Him about each one before the next thing came along. It is a deeper level of learning to trust His leading, discern His Truth and follow His Spirit. In this classroom, I am learning to tell the difference between the thoughts that originate with Him and the thoughts that originate with the mind of man. His thoughts emerge from the place where my spirit is one with His Spirit and then flow out through my mind. The thoughts that originate with the mind of man may be very logical and may even sound very spiritual, but they usually flow out through a place of brokenness or presumption in the soul and are always void of His manifest presence. … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 3: The Cloud of Unknowing