
Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 3: The Cloud of Unknowing

We are in the midst of a a massive transition, where things are rapidly shifting and changing. As we literally move from age to age, we must let go of old, outdated mindsets and ways of doing things, while remaining firmly grounded with our foundation in tact. Even those who are mature and confident in their relationship with the indwelling Spirit of Truth may find this season unsettling. Recently, the Father has placed me in a classroom where I have been exposed to many “new” concepts. They have come so quickly that I was not able to mentally process them and actually did not have time to thoroughly inquire of Him about each one before the next thing came along. It is a deeper level of learning to trust His leading, discern His Truth and follow His Spirit. In this classroom, I am learning to tell the difference between the thoughts that originate with Him and the thoughts that originate with the mind of man. His thoughts emerge from the place where my spirit is one with His Spirit and then flow out through my mind. The thoughts that originate with the mind of man may be very logical and may even sound very spiritual, but they usually flow out through a place of brokenness or presumption in the soul and are always void of His manifest presence. … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 3: The Cloud of Unknowing

Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 2: True vs. Truth

Many in the Body of Christ are beginning to hunger for true community in this season. I believe that God has placed that cry in our hearts and is responding to it by showing us that true community looks like. When we choose to walk in close relationship with others, their faults usually become apparent. We often see a fault or sin in our life or the life of someone else and make a judgment. If the issue is Scripturally clear, we sometimes do not even stop to ask the Lord what He is doing in that person’s life at that time. In a sense, we hold ourselves back from focusing upon each other’s weaknesses and wait for God to call attention to them. JUST BECAUSE I SEE SOMETHING IN SOMEONE DOES NOT MEAN IT IS TIME TO DEAL WITH IT. … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 2: True vs. Truth

Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 1: Self-Reliance vs. Absolute Dependence

False judgment has its roots in reliance upon our own wisdom, while godly discernment comes from waiting to hear what God has to say about the matter. Jesus lives out of this kind of absolute dependence and modeled it for us. In this hour, the Father is pouring out abundant grace for us to lay down false judgment so that we can walk in the real… and operate as His “elohim,” ruling and reigning with Him in the earth! … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 1: Self-Reliance vs. Absolute Dependence

Godly Judgment vs. Demonic Judgment

Have you ever been wounded by someone’s judgment? Or possibly you have slipped into a pattern of judging someone else whose issues and places of agreement with darkness are wounding you. In this audio teaching, I will show you exactly how to tell the difference between demonic and godly judgment. I will show you how to get free from the counterfeit so that you can walk in the real, ruling and reigning from heaven to earth, displacing darkness and extending the rule of the King of Kings here. … Continue readingGodly Judgment vs. Demonic Judgment