Category: Uncategorized
The River of Delight and of the Ecstasies of God
I was praying and saw a whirlwind, which I knew by the Spirit that I was to receive inside of me. I knew that it would propel me upward, so that I could experience higher realms and dimensions. And I knew that I was allowed … Continue readingThe River of Delight and of the Ecstasies of God
The Threshing Floor
Sometimes it is difficult to discern whether difficult things are of God to strengthen us or are of the enemy to destroy us. Many things, like Jesus’ death on the cross, are both (I Corinthians 2:8). In these times, we choose to submit to God, … Continue readingThe Threshing Floor
Wings of Hope & Faith
Faith is…. the substance of all that manifests in the natural realm. It is the frequency which translates spiritual substance into earthly substance. Just as you need an earthly body in order to interface with the earth realm and just as Yeshua took on an … Continue readingWings of Hope & Faith
Dancing Upon the Fiery Stones
One day in 2012, while in prayer, I suddenly found myself in a place in the Spirit where I had never been before and I heard the phrase, “walking among the fiery stones.” I was walking upon veins of gold. In between the veins, stones … Continue readingDancing Upon the Fiery Stones
The Voice of the Lord
Knowing God’s voice is the key to overcoming religion, because religion is all about following a formula. It is also the key to victory. Following the words or thoughts of man causes you to attempt to do, in the power of the flesh, what God … Continue readingThe Voice of the Lord
Knowing God’s voice
Knowing God’s voice is the key to overcoming religion, because religion is all about following a formula. It is also the key to victory. Following the words or thoughts of man causes you to attempt to do, in the power of the flesh, what God … Continue readingKnowing God’s voice