From Glory To Glory & The Ladies Of Gold

Throughout church history, there have been individuals and groups who serve as signposts along the way, displaying to us what is possible and available to us in Christ. One of the most profound displays of both the possibilities and the process was a group of intercessors called the Golden Candlestick. In the 1920’s, this group of intercessors began meeting together to worship and to pray. Though many of them had been trained for ministry in Aimee Semple McPherson’s Bible school, the Lord asked them to lay down their aspirations for public ministry and to minister to Him in the secret place. They agreed, and, under the leadership of Francis Metcalf, prayed together four or five nights a week for about 50 years. First, they began getting glimpses of the Spirit realm through dreams and visions, which Francis Metcalf called “raptures.” As they ministered to the Lord, He would give them downloads of prophetic songs that were in perfect meter and rhyme. Their faithful stewardship of these kinds of experiences enlarged their spiritual capacity to include their physical bodies, and many were physically translated to heaven and would return wearing heavenly garments and jewels. They would physically transrelocate to different geographical locations in the earth, where they would lead people to Christ and would share the Gospel with unreached people groups. They would return from these trips, too, with tangible tokens of their journey. Though Francis released some of her revelation in teaching form, they did not speak openly of these kinds of encounters, and few in the earth knew what they were doing or that they even existed. … Continue readingFrom Glory To Glory & The Ladies Of Gold

Miracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God

Are you facing natural “impossibilities”? Are you waiting on God to break through for you? Do you sometimes have the sense that you were created for more than the temporal illusion surrounding you? Are you hungry to see the tangible, physical manifestation of spiritual reality! If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have good news for you! My new book, MIRACLES ARE NORMAL: CO-CREATING THROUGH ONENESS WIH GOD, is now available! … Continue readingMiracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God

Restoring the Ancient Paths, part 2: Translation, Levitation, the Cloud of Witnesses & Angels

In last week’s video, I laid a Biblical foundation concerning how to tell the difference between demonically-counterfeited encounters and ones that Jesus has purchased for us with His blood. We learned that wherever there is a counterfeit, there is a real which was created by … Continue readingRestoring the Ancient Paths, part 2: Translation, Levitation, the Cloud of Witnesses & Angels