Restoring the Ancient Paths


Free Teaching:  Things like transrelocation, out of body experiences, levitation and telepathy are not New Age, but are the Ancient Paths that God is restoring.  And they are the inheritance of every blood-bought believer who submits to the process of maturation.  In this teaching, you will learn how to discern between the “real” and the counterfeit and will see where these things are in the Bible.  So get ready to take them back and use them for God’s glory!

SKU: FREE-RAP Category:


Free Teaching:  Many believers view things like transrelocation, out of body experiences, levitation, telepathy and shape-shifting as “New Age,” occult, or as something only select believers are allowed to do.  But these things, along with many others, have actually just been stolen or counterfeited.  They are the Ancient Paths that God is restoring and they are the inheritance of every blood-bought believer who submits to the process of maturation.  In this teaching, Virginia will show you how to discern between the “real” and the counterfeit and will show you that these things, and many others, were actually very common in the Bible and throughout church history.  Get ready, because we are entering a very exciting season where the sons of God are taking these things back and using them for God’s glory, to rule and reign and to advance His kingdom on the earth!

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